- 国际艾滋病项目联合督导组工作情况介绍(性艾中心,张大平)
- 全球基金第三轮滚动申请进展情况(王晓春、陈仲丹)
- 世界艾滋病日情况报告
Due to tight schedule for the World AIDS day, the next meeting of the Expanded Theme Group on AIDS will be held on 3 December (Wednesday) at UN large conference from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. The proposed agenda is as following:
- Feedback on the joint supervision mission on international projects on AIDS by Dr Zhang Dapeng, NCAIDS
- Update on grant consolidation through AIDS Round 3 Rolling Continuation Channel to the Global Fund by Dr Wang Xiaochun - NCAIDS/Chen Zhongdan - UNAIDS
- Debriefing on World AIDS Day