艾滋病扩大专题组会议定于11月28日15:00-17:00 在联合国开发计划署大会议室召开。日程如下:
1. Welcome, introductions, adoption of the agenda and minutes of the last meeting (通过会议日程和上次会议纪要)
2. Overview of Global Fund AIDS programmes (全球基金艾滋病项目概况)
3. Overview of the Global Fund 16th Board meeting (全球基金第16次理事会会议概况)
4. Introduction of the first China-Gates Foundation Cooperation Programme (中国-盖茨基金合作项目简介)
5. Updates and information sharing (信息分享)
- World AIDS Day activities (艾滋病日活动)
6. Date and time for the next Expanded Theme Group meeting (下次会议时间)